Retain clients through customer service follow-ups

January 31, 2019

No business, big or small, wants to lose its customers to competitors.

With that in mind, customer service follow-ups are one of the best ways to retain big paying customers and in turn increase your business’s profitability.

But with staff under the pump and already shouldering heavy workloads, how do you achieve a quality follow-up service? How do you ensure your profitable customers feel valued and are being listened to so they keep spending money with your firm?

For some businesses, it’s just too hard. It’s a time-consuming business to call up hundreds of customers and find out what they think about the service they received and how it could be better.

But that doesn’t mean someone shouldn’t tackle this important job. If you don’t have time, put the task into the capable hands of Call Assist’s experienced team at its 20-seat call centre.

At Call Assist, our professional yet friendly team is well versed in providing quality customer service follow-ups for a range of businesses. Our team has wide experience in being at the front-line of customer service, listening to clients and providing them with a positive experience that focuses on their interaction with your brand and your products.

Professional customer service follow-ups can play a major role in the sustained success of your company. Get them wrong and you lose customers to competitors. Get them right and you’ll earn customer loyalty. And that, to a business, is gold.

By outsourcing this area of customer service, you free up your staff to carry out other important work. And because we’re dedicated to follow-up calls, we’ll make sure calls are made swiftly and efficiently. It’s about making a good impression and helping grow your brand and your business.

If you would like to know more about how we can help with customer service follow-ups, please contact Call Assist today.